We received funding from the University of Georgia to build a new sensor network in the Oconee Watershed to support student learning with new technology. To support the development of the network, we conducted a one-day workshop to begin training graduate students at UGA to program and build the sensors. This workshop was designed, organized, and led by Chris Dutton from Yale University, and Stephanie Fulton and John Dowd from the University of Georgia.
For the network, we constructed dissolved oxygen+temperature, conductivity+temperature, and non-contact level loggers from scratch. All sensors will be fitted with technology to immediately send data to a data repository using cell phone technology. Though all of the technology we built will be built for aquatic systems, much of the hardware and software we will use can be applied to other systems.
We are also creating an on-campus community for researchers that are building and deploying these sensors. The idea is that the sensor-network community members at UGA and beyond will be able to support one another in trouble-shooting and in network development and maintenance.
To disseminate the information to a broader audience, we will be posting links to the ordering information, the libraries needed to build the sensors, the code to program the sensors, and links to online resources on this page as soon as they are available. Please click on the buttons below to access the video and files needed to develop your own sensors.
If you are interested in joining the sensor network listserve at UGA, please contact Stephanie Fulton, and send a request to join the network community.